Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome to The Gay Agenda!

Anti-gay groups talk a lot about "The Gay Agenda," but none of them seems to really know what it is. They seem to think we're only interested in turning straight people gay, indoctrinating children, destroying religion, killing God, causing Western Civilization to crumble and end the human race as we know it.

But you and I know that simply isn't true.

So, let's make it easier for anti-gay activists to talk about "The Gay Agenda" by letting them know what our agenda really is.

Check in daily or whenever you can, and leave a comment on what your agenda for the day is: nothing snarky, just your real, boring, dull agenda for the day. I'll do the same as well.

And we can finally let Maggie Gallagher know what our agenda really is.

Email If you have an agenda fun enough to post.

1 comment:

  1. OK-- by big gay agenda for today
    Get up at 4am and take wife to airport.
    5am- wait for sunrise and wife to make it through security.
    6am- egg McMuffin
    7am- get on the computer for a bit before the kids wake up.
    9am-ish? Get kids up, straighten up after last night's Friday Pizza Night extravaganza.
    Feed the dogs.
    Brother coming to visit. Enjoy the day with he and his wife.
    Hope his dogs and our dogs get along.
    Think up something for dinner.
    Talk my wife from the PA airport to our new little home--hope Mapquest gets it right.
    Enjoy the day and evening with my family.
    Miss my wife while she is away.
